Mobile android emulator error - error message appears : fail to start appium server in 60 seconds

Hello guys ,

I am using windows 10 , katalon studio community and I haved installed:
node js
and I have up and running a virtual device within android studio(with developer mode on just in case). Is the device that appears below. So
seems that device in recognized by katalon in that dropdown but no able to spy or run the tests within katalon. Any help , would be appreciated. Here is a screenshot

here is log :
error.log (127.9 KB)

@francorebu What version of Katalon Studio are you using? I believe most katalon studio versions only accept appium version 1.XX.X and if you would like to use appium 2.0 you will have to either use remote execution instead of mobile or use the alpha version of KS that supports appium 2.0. My team uses remote execution to utilize appium 2.0.

Yes I uninstalled appium 2.X version and tried 1.X (1.22.3) and seems it is working now.
Here are the steps I made:

npm uninstall -g appium
npm install -g appium@1.22.3

Just a warning if you ever have to do iOS automation that there is a breaking change introduced in xcode 14 that will require appium 2.0 to fix or to roll back to an earlier version of xcode. Which can get difficult to deal with it. But that would also require a mac instead of a windows machine

Thanks for the help Kreno

Hi there @francorebu,

We are delighted to inform you that Katalon Studio version 9.1.0 has just been released which also brings support for Appium 2.x. You can learn more in our announcement topic below: :point_down:

We will also proceed to close up this topic. Should you encounter any bug whilst using KS 9.1.0, or have any other questions, feel free to create a topic in Bugs Report or Katalon Studio

Thanks, :sunglasses:
Albert from Katalon Community team

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