Katalon Studio Enterprise Activation issue

Hi ,
We recently purchased the Katalon studio enterprise , but I am unable to Activate it to utilize the benefits and I am an Admin user.

Steps to Reproduce:

Once i login to the Katalon testops
Katalon studio enterprise section
it says Subscribed licenses = 1
Available Licences = 0
Machine Quota = 1

But “create offine license” is in disable state

Expected behavior: It should be in enable state so that i can create the offile licnse and activate the KSE

please kindly help .


Hi @jaffar.mohammad,

You are unable to create an offline license because it has already been taken for your machine to use online. As you can see in the Online Licenses section, you have assigned to your machine so there is no slot for any offline license. To create an offline license, please remove the machine ID from the Online Licenses section first.

Hope this helps.

Btw, for other concerns regarding license subscriptions, please submit a ticket to Zendesk for better support as your enterprise privileges.