Jenkins results not generated in TestOps


I have KS 7.0.4 and RE installed with activation key
got results in Jenkins log

INFO: Katalon Version: 7.0.4 INFO: Command-line arguments: -runMode=console -reportFolder=C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\TestSuiteCollection/Reports -projectPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\TestSuiteCollection\KatalonProject.prj -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=Test Suites/RegressionTestSuiteCollection -browserType=Chrome (headless) -apiKey=****** INFO: User working dir: C:\Users\xxxx\KatalonStudio\Katalon_Studio_Engine_Windows_64-7.0.4 INFO: TestOps server URL: INFO: Katalon Store server URL: INFO: User home: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile INFO: Java vendor: Oracle Corporation INFO: Java version: 1.8.0_181 INFO: Local OS: Windows 10 64bit INFO: CPU load: 50% INFO: Total memory: 8034 MB INFO: Free memory: 3073 MB INFO: Machine ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Email sent.
Uploading report to Katalon TestOps…
Start sending test result to Katalon TestOps
Uploading log files of test suite collection

TestOps: Start uploading report to Katalon TestOps server:
Katalon TestOps - Execution URL: Katalon TestOps
End sending to Katalon TestOps
Report has been sent to Katalon TestOps

but in TestOps cannot see any updates in Dasboard

latest test results is there

do I need something more?

response pending…

Could you give me your user email, which you use to run katalon in jenkins? And try to use this account to access katalon TestOps to make sure you have permission to access the uploading project.


this is my user email
and I am able to access to Katalon TestOps

I see that the project you configure to upload result is different with the project you login in TestOps Katalon TestOps. Please check your TestOps settings in your project again.


is the reason here


i am still not able to get results to TestOps

TestOps: Start uploading report to Katalon TestOps server:

Katalon TestOps - Execution URL: Katalon TestOps End sending to Katalon TestOps Report has been sent to Katalon TestOps


<script src="chrome-extension://ljdobmomdgdljniojadhoplhkpialdid/page/prompt.js"/>

<script src="chrome-extension://ljdobmomdgdljniojadhoplhkpialdid/page/runScript.js"/>


Either this resource does not exist, or the current user does not have permissions to access this resource






ok, got it, I was log in as my second email address, thanks works now :slight_smile: