invalid argument

I’m new to Katalon and downloaded some test cases that someone else had made, however I can’t seem to run any of them. Read a couple other posts on this page, and it doesn’t seem like I’m missing any of the import lines. Anyone

know what’s wrong?

You installed KS in the C:\ root folder. This will cause various problems .

You should install KS in a folder which you have full access privilege; for example C:\Users\yourname

I uninstall and reinstalled it yesterday, now it’s in C:\Users\yourname, and now when I try to run a test, the console says this:

Warning: NLS missing message: OFFLINE_ACTIVATION in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: ENTERPRISE_TRIAL_LICENSE in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: ActivationDialogV2_LBL_ENTERPRISE_LICENSE in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: DIALOG_TITLE_FIRST_TIME_USE_SURVEY in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: BTN_YES_CONTINUE_USE in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: BTN_NO_QUIT_USING in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: BTN_SEND in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: MSG_QUESTION_WILL_CONTINUE_TO_USE in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: MSG_QUIT_USING_KATALON_REASON in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS missing message: MSG_QUIT_USING_KATALON_REASON_PLACEHOLDER in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
WebView Server has been started on port 65093
WebView Server has been started on port 65093
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.http.client.protocol.RequestAuthCache).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Start checking and mark activated for GUI mode
Start checking and mark activated for GUI mode
Start getting machine ID on Windows
Start getting machine ID on Windows
Start appending additional signatures
Start appending additional signatures
osDependentUsername denis
osDependentUsername denis
End appending additional signatures 5d587e04-9388-44c9-9347-f55c14080ee9__denis
End appending additional signatures 5d587e04-9388-44c9-9347-f55c14080ee9__denis
End getting machine ID on Windows c0aae5a577fadabcd0440006e7b70163
End getting machine ID on Windows c0aae5a577fadabcd0440006e7b70163
End checking and mark activated for GUI mode
End checking and mark activated for GUI mode
Start check license task
Start check license task
Warning: NLS unused message: LBL_DEFAULT_LOCATOR_SELECTION_AREA in: com.katalon.plugin.smart_xpath.constant.SmartXpathMessages
com.kms.katalon.composer.artifact has been installed.
WebView Server has been started on port 65135
WebView Server has been started on port 65135
Latest plugins responses: []
Katalon version: 7.9.1
Katalon version: 7.9.1
Plugin info URL:
Plugin info URL:
Warning: NLS missing message: ConsoleMain_MSG_DEVOPS_LICENSE_COMPATIBILITY in: com.kms.katalon.execution.constants.executionMessages
Warning: NLS missing message: ConsoleMain_MSG_NON_DEVOPS_LICENSE_COMPATIBLITY in: com.kms.katalon.execution.constants.executionMessages
Edge Chromium driver is located at default location: C:\Users\denis\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.9.1\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.9.1\configuration\resources\drivers\edgechromium_win64\msedgedriver.exe. In case your browser is updated to a newer version, please use this command to update Edge driver: --config -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true
Katalon TestOps: Unexpected response, URL:, Status: 403, Response: {“error”:“access_denied”,“error_description”:“Either this resource does not exist, or the current user does not have permissions to access this resource”}
Katalon TestOps: Unexpected response, URL:, Status: 403, Response: {“error”:“access_denied”,“error_description”:“Either this resource does not exist, or the current user does not have permissions to access this resource”}

Thu May 06 08:47:43 EDT 2021
Error when uploading log to Katalon TestOps Server {“error”:“access_denied”,“error_description”:“Either this resource does not exist, or the current user does not have permissions to access this resource”}
at com.kms.katalon.execution.launcher.BasicLauncher.notifyProccess(
at com.kms.katalon.execution.launcher.ProcessLauncher.setStatus(
at com.kms.katalon.execution.launcher.manager.LauncherManager.addLauncherToWaitingList(
at com.kms.katalon.execution.launcher.manager.LauncherManager.addLauncher(
at com.kms.katalon.composer.execution.handlers.AbstractExecutionHandler$

There’s a lot more after this, but it’s all repeated. My best guess is some of my settings are off, but I can’t seem to find which ones.

Error when uploading log to Katalon TestOps Server {“error”:“access_denied”,“error_description”:“Either this resource does not exist, or the current user does not have permissions to access this resource”}

The above “Event Log” tells that your test was unable to upload the log to the Test Ops server after the run, that’s all. It doesn’t matter so much, does it?

Does your test fail? I guess, it works. No?

The problem is I can’t see the results of the test under the results tab, and it doesn’t send any files to the Reports folder.

I’m currently working for a new company, and all the tests that I have are ones left behind by the previous intern - so I’m assuming that they’re good.

In the screenshot you shared, you showed “Test Suites/User Story 01- Signing in”. The Test Suite seems to have NO Test Case included. When you run this empty Test Suite, no test action will be performed, no report will be compiled. I do not see what you are wondering about.

Oh, sorry about that. This is what the test suite looks like. I haven’t changed any test case or suite since downloading it. But for some reason when I run it nothing ends up being run? I checked off all the tests so it should be running

You should NOT look at “Event Log” where you will find no useful information. In fact, I never use it.

You should rather look at “Log Viewer” tag. In the Log Viewer, you will see what test actions were performed with the PASS/FAILED results stamped:

Try this:

  1. stop Katalon Studio
  2. delete the projectDir/bin and projectDir/Libs directories — don’t worry, they will be recreated automatically
  3. restart KS, open your project

This will make your project clean.

The log viewer shows nothing when I run a test.

So this test was run at 10:38, and you can see I took the screenshot at 10:40. Basically, as you pointed out, it seems that none of the tests are actually being run when I click run, even though the test suite is not empty. Additionally, the Reports folder doesn’t get a new file added to it once it’s done running

Katalon Studio does not support a feature of “importing test cases from other project”. So I wonder what you have done.

You downloaded what from where? How did you put the downloaded resources into your current project?

Did you downloaded a zipped project’s source code from a GitHub Releases page like this?

What exactly you did?

I ask this because the way you initiated the project may cause any strange behaviour.

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Can you open “Test Cases/failure - 1”?

Can you see the script code?

Isn’t it empty?

I think the script code is just the default.

But I tried what you said, deleted the folders, and updated the driver - and it seems to be working now. I originally downloaded a folder from Google drive onto my PC, unzipped it, and I guess that might’ve caused some issues.

Thanks for your help! :slight_smile: