Import/export project options in katalon


How to do i manage projects in katalon.

Please find the steps i have followed.

I have created projects using Data-driven Method.

  1. I have created projects under below mentioned path:
    Path: D:\Katalon-Project\Test\SampleProject
  2. Implemented DataDriven Method in created projects.
    Excel file path in windows Explored:D:\Katalon-Project\ExcelFiles
    3.While mapping DataFiles for created testcases , I have 'checked ’ Use relative path’ .
    FYR, for more details
  3. Now i have copy the created project folder-Project Name- SampleProject in to Another machine from f1ws135 to f1ws136 .
  4. I have copied the project folder without copying excelfile folder which i have created in f1ws135 machine.
  5. Pasted the project under D:\ drive
    Please find the below path in f1ws136: D:\Katalon-Project\Test\SampleProject
  6. Once i have opened the projects in katalon from f1ws136- And i have opened DataFiles , There is no excel sheet values was present there.
    FYR, Please find the screenshot:

After the issue, I have also copied the respective excel files and placed in to the f1ws136 machine in E:\drive and refreshed and again i have opened the projects and i have facing same issues , there is no more data in the katalon .

So , should i need to place ,the excel files in the same Drive where i have placed my project is the right solution?

Or i can store in anyother Drive the katalon can automatically fetch?