IE11 Web Recorder does not load all content in application

(This was mentioned in another bug on Jan 9 - but I have created a new item to help identification - original ref is )

I manually installed the IE11 web recorder (as admin) and am able to start recording but unable to see all required content in the web app… the Side bar and Title bar are present, allowing me to see navigation options but the main content is not visible (see screenshots comparing expected vs actual).

In the navigation bar I see a message reading ‘Loading…’ but no further content appears.
If I open the same content in the IE11 browser though (rather than recorder) I am able to see all content as expected.

In the log (C:\Users\dbown\Documents\Katalon\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-\config\.metadata) I see lots of entries like:

INFO: HTTP Status: ‘400’ → incorrect JSON status mapping for ‘no such window’ (404 expected)
Jan 09, 2018 12:06:33 PM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodes toStatus
INFO: HTTP Status: ‘400’ → incorrect JSON status mapping for ‘no such window’ (404 expected)
Jan 09, 2018 12:06:38 PM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodes toStatus

Please also note that I can use Web Recorder for Chrome and all content is loaded. I can also record steps in Chrome and replay in IE11.
The IE11 webdriver correctly shows all page content during playback.

I have tried using both 64 and 32 bit version of install. Am running 5.2.0.

Two screenshots hopefully attached, showing ‘working’ and ‘not working’.

According to ‘Wappalyzer’ plugin, the technology on the page comprises:

‘Modernizr’, ‘JQuery’, ‘Knockout.js’ JS frameworks and MS 4

1 - Working.jpg

2 - Not working.jpg

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Any ideas please? We support only IE11 internally so automated tests need to match what users actually use. Currently I can’t get application to load in Katalon/IE driver, as only sidebars and title are visible (screenshots in first post).

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Hi Dan, my issue (not resolved) might be related, check it out.
In both of our cases it seems that certain content on the page isn’t (lazy) loaded when the IE11 add-on is running, driven by Katalon Studio. In our case jQuery can’t find the dxDataGrid command anymore, although its library is being included.

Can you check for error messages in the debugger in IE (not Katalon)?

Hi Michiel

it looks like our issues are similar. In dev tools in browser I see error:

’Object doesn’t support property or method ‘Panel’ - Surface.js.
This error does not occur when run in standalone IE11, only when recording a script.

Our workaround (not ideal) is to record script in Chrome and playback in IE - will work fine.
