I am unable to save the test cases to the Katalon using the "Save to Katalon" button

After generating the test cases through manual test case generator plugin in JIRA, when I am trying to save the test cases to Katalon(using Save to Katalon button), it just opens up a dialog with a blank screen and a loader showing up all the time. Nothing happens after that.

I need to get this issue resolved at the earliest as I am working on a poc and my trial version is going to expire soon.

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Hi there, :wave:

Thank you very much for your topic! It may take a little while before Katalon team member or others forum members respond to you.

In the meantime, you can double-check your post to see if you can add any extra information i.e. error logs, HTML codes, screenshots, etc. Check out this posting guide to help us help you better!

Thanks! :sunglasses:
Katalon Community team

can you press F12 on the browser and see the network logs for any failures

@dineshh , please find the error screenshot.

error seems to be on atlassian…

kindly reach out to atlassian support on katalon integration

@dineshh , I have reached out to the Atlassian support team and they are mentioning -

"that the location data from the add-on is not fetching, we should check with katalon to understand if the integration need any upgrade / plugin in the cloud to be able to fetch the location. The add-on is installed correctly and hence they are available on the Jira issue, but unable fetch the location which is stored at the vendor side. "

@system please help

Are you licensed user? if yes, can you raise a support ticket?

@dineshh , I am currently using the trial version of both JIRA and Katalon. Can you please guide me if there are other alternatives to address this issue ?

hi @albert.vu, Can you help in routing this request to appropriate person

Hi everyone, this is a known issue from our side and we’re fixing it. The ETA is next Friday. Please retry from next Friday :slight_smile:


Hi @quan.trinh ơi, :wave:

Can you update us on whether the fix will be release today?

Many thanks em,

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is this fixed on v9.7.2?