I am new to Integration. Just wondering in which format should I pass the Testrail credentials.
I am passing in the following format and getting an error
‘- response={error=Authentication failed: invalid or missing user/password or session cookie.}’

Testrail Integration_ How to pass credentials.png
I have fixed this myself. Thanks
How did you generate the credentials?
I have generated the credentials through postman and used in the code and it worked.
@Bhawna_Rani: i am facing same issue. This is how i m setting http header
httpheader.add(new TestObjectProperty(‘Authorization’, ConditionType.EQUALS,‘erdVsu4kdmkN2f/dG3w-L4WE57jW76xf4ieikch’))
Could you please post the solution?
- Go to the postman and type the Get Request what Testrail has provided to test API
- In the authentication tab choose Basic Authentication and provide your credentials
3. Send the Request
4. Now to Headers Tab and your credentials will be displayed in encrypted form by postman
5. Copy these credentials and pass in the Katalon test case
Just FYI - we’ve built a TestRail integration plugin for Katalon Studio. If you have any feedback or suggestions we are happy to hear from you.