How to add a command to the right mouse click

While you wait for Katalon staff to get back to you, I will say that Katalon Recorder is extendable (see last item). That’s what it’s called when you can add commands to an application. Unfortunately, the command you add has to have some programming attached to it so that the command actually does something. As well, there are generally rules that you must follow in order for menu item and command to run and these rules must be strictly applied to.

However, you might be able to create your own commands within your code, like:

There are more commands on this forum that you can find that may assist you.

Note: if you have a need for “more commands”, then maybe others do as well. You should put in a “Feature Request” to improve KR with your thoughts/commands.

Edit2: read if this addresses your needs:

Edit3: lots of good reading

(Introduce plugin platform in Katalon Recorder 3.4.0 - Katalon Recorder - Katalon Community).
GitHub - katalon-studio/katalon-recorder-sample-plugin: This is a sample plugin for Katalon Recorder 3.4.0