How do I remove a offline license for Katalon Runtime Engine

We have the following licenses:

  • Katalon Studio Enterprise
  • Katalon Runtime Engine.

We have two issues:

  1. We could not activate the KRE online license. Kept getting errors
  2. Instead we have decided to use the offline approach. It appears that our machine id is incorrect when generated the offline license in katalon testops.

Here is the output from running katalonc

INFO: Machine ID: 9c49b2f60a0311a903c1b81da0632ff9

Start activating offline…
Search for valid offline licenses in folder: C:\Users\hsingh.katalon\license
Start checking license: KRE_405CEB0B-2E51-4448-87DA-286F99EE45A9_24882750.lic
Invalid license: KRE_405CEB0B-2E51-4448-87DA-286F99EE45A9_24882750.lic. Reason: Incorrect machine ID.

I would like to deactivate the license and reactivate. Could someone help with this. Currently I cannot to do so from Katalon TestOps page.

Hi @hsingh,

It looks like you had used a mismatched machine ID. For this unexpected case, we could offer you a temporary offline license. Please send your information and describe this problem to our license support team at

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Thank you Tran, I have sent an email to your license support with the information to get them started.

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