Get Report Suite collection Path

hi Team,

we know how to get report folder path by test suite (RunConfiguration.getReportFolder()). But we run a test suite collection, we need to know how to get path for Test suite collection report folder (it has own folder with data and timestamp). Can you please let me know.


i am using Jenkins to get correct test results from test suite collection folder


Jekins will build every jobs to Jenkins workspace path
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\TestSuiteCollection


hi Timo, Thanks for your reply. Question is 'how to get report folder name" ? for example - I need to get
the folder name “20191005_115344” during runtime for Test Suite Collection. For Test suite, we were able to get through Runconfiguration.getReportFolder().


win OS use .bat and with Linux OS use .sh script to get folder name
or you can use java too