Failed Test cases getting repeated in TestSuit

In my test suit i have one test case for which i am using internal data which repeat 4 times but when it get fails at step 2 it will run the same failed test cases 4 time then it will jump to the next case. How can we skip to next testcase when the previous test case failed

Have a look at the following discussion:

you can set Test Suite how many times of retry to do . You can choose 0 retry.

No, you can’t.

Katalon Studio does not support stopping an entire test suite if one test case failed.

Please find my own solution:

i am on windows and i am not getting this option. Where i can find that “Implicit timeout” option ?

You want to create a Test Suite, it has an menu “Execution Information”. Click it. Then you will find the option.

Thanks @kazurayam and one thing more how can we map the one test data to multiple test cases. Suppose in my suit i have 50 test cases and i need to map one test data to all the testcase but right now i can see the option to map them one by one. Can i map one test data to all my testcases at one go ?

I don’t think so.