Elements that used to appear before the update are no longer appearing after the update

I confirmed that in the previous version of Katalon, an alert window popped up indicating successful save when the save button was clicked. However, after the update, there is an issue where the alert window no longer appears, and the save action occurs without any notification.

The class of the element is class="panel window messager-window". The save button triggers both the appearance of the alert window and a refresh function. Could this refresh function be causing the problem?

I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

				if(mode == "new"){
					$.messager.alert('<spring:message code="acronode.common.success" />','<spring:message code="acronode.rtm.keyword.insert" />','info', function(){
				else if(mode == "update"){
					$.messager.alert('<spring:message code="acronode.common.success" />','<spring:message code="acronode.rtm.keyword.save" />','info', function(){
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can you please help clarify the version you are using?