Desired capabilities are not taken into account


I followed this doc in order to open Chrome with a specific profile :

But somehow the same basic session is opened (no profile, no maximized window…)

I’m on Katalon 5.1.0 and here is what my “” file looks like :

{"CHROME_DRIVER":{"applicationCacheEnabled":false,"browserName":"chrome","args":["user-data-dir\u003d/Users/xxxxx/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User/ Data/Profile/ 3","disable-web-security","allow-running-insecure-content","auto-open-devtools-for-tabs"],"start-maximized":""}}

When I launch the browser, I have this in the console :

11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [START] - Start action : openBrowser
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - Opening browser
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - Starting ‘Chrome’ driver
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘applicationCacheEnabled’, ‘false’]
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘browserName’, ‘chrome’]
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘args’, ‘[user-data-dir=/Users/xxxxx/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User/ Data/Profile/ 3, disable-web-security, allow-running-insecure-content, auto-open-devtools-for-tabs]’]
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘start-maximized’, ‘’]
11-21-2017 04:59:50 PM - [INFO] - Action delay is set to 0 seconds
Starting ChromeDriver 2.33.506120 […]

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Looks like that is an issue. I will double check it again.

Any news :smile: ?

That is an issue from Katalon Studio. We will fix this soon along with issue of mobile testing.

Fixed in Version

is this really fixed with the new version? since i have this on console but the normal session is open.


I think you have to use a Custom execution instead of Chrome for iOS :

Edit : it does seem there is no support anymore for iOS in versions

Edit 2 : It seems it is not supported on windows :

Katalon no iOS.png

i have as a custom execution:

but still the basic session is open.


I think you need a mobileEmulation dictionary containing the deviceMetrics and userAgent, as well as a chromeOption dictionary containing the parameter “mobileEmulation”.

I didn’t test it but here is the link I base this from :

Please use Katalon Studio It addresses issues with desired capabilities.

I am facing same issue while running on custom android device.
12-03-2017 12:24:45 AM - [START] - Start Test Case : Test Cases/FP_Mobile_Login_Test 12-03-2017 12:24:45 AM - [INFO] - Evaluating variables for test case 12-03-2017 12:24:46 AM - [START] - Start action : startApplication 12-03-2017 12:24:46 AM - [INFO] - Starting app at: 'D:\katalon\Fusion Production.apk' 12-03-2017 12:24:46 AM - [FAILED] - Unable to start app at: 'D:\katalon\Fusion Production.apk' (Root cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The mobile device is missing. Please select the mobile device to be executed and try again.) 12-03-2017 12:24:46 AM - [END] - End action : startApplication 12-03-2017 12:24:46 AM - [FAILED] - Test Cases/FP_Mobile_Login_Test FAILED because (of) Unable to start app at: 'D:\katalon\Fusion Production.apk' (Root cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The mobile device is missing. Please select the mobile device to be executed and try again.) 12-03-2017 12:24:46 AM - [END] - End Test Case : Test Cases/FP_Mobile_Login_Test

Though when i run as Android it runs successfully
i am using Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-

Please show me your settings, the error message is displayed obviously: “Root cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The mobile device is missing. Please select the mobile device to be executed and try again.”

Hi. I’m new to Katalon Studio; I too have set desired capabilities for Chrome. My is configured as follows:


When I run my script(s), I’m encountering the following error:

I’m working in a network where the browser properties are **tightly** managed by administrators. I’m trying to bypass the loading of any extensions, a la Chromedriver, using desired capabilities.

Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Can anyone Post the Desired Capabilities for Andriod Custom Devices? Mine is attached. Am getting this error message whenever am Executing on custom device

(Root cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The mobile device is missing. Please select the mobile device to be executed and try again.)

Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 5.12.09 PM.png

I’m still not able to launch any test, due to the desired capabilities issue(s). I posted a question on 12/11/17, received no response. Is there anyone from Katalon actually reviewing or responding to customer issues, or not? Either way, the desired capabilities issue is a blocker for many users and the lack of replicable directions/guidance from Katalon doesn’t look well, from the perspective of someone evaluating the product.


Vinh Nguyen said:

Please use Katalon Studio It addresses issues with desired capabilities.

unfortunately Version 5.4.2 still has the reported issues. Log Attached : See capabilities for “fullReset”

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-18 um 15.56.41.jpg

Mathias Strziga said:

Vinh Nguyen said:

Please use Katalon Studio It addresses issues with desired capabilities.

unfortunately Version 5.4.2 still has the reported issues. Log Attached : See capabilities for “fullReset”

Same here i cant run it into kobiton and got same error

Screen Shot 2018-06-25 at 2.47.22 PM.png


Dear Katalon team,
could you please let us know what’s the status and is this issue planned for implementation?