Custom fields and Tags are not updating For Certification expert level

Hi Katalon Community,

While doing expert level certification there are requirements (checkboxes) to add ‘Custom fields’ and ‘Tags’. I have successfully added them as per Katalon Docs (Add Custom Fields and Tags to test cases | Katalon Docs). However, the checkboxes are not updating (It has already 3 days).

My email address for certification purposes is I have attached the evidence of all relevant tags and custom fields for your reference. Please feel free to review them, and let me know if you need any further information.

Looking forward to your feedback!

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@vu.tran can help

Hi dinesh,

I was trying to complete this 2 checks , but these never were checked , could you help me?


Hi @vu.tran,

I checked again but just appears like partial complete , how can I complete this 2 points? I was trying lot of things.

Thanks, regards,

Hi can you this to certification team

Hey, could you check again?

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@eco2.lucasyoris did you check

Hi @viet.nguyen , @dineshh
Sorry for the delay, the certification points now are checked!

Thanks for the support,



Thanks for confirming!