Creating or Opening a Web-Service-Request results in downloading a Temp-File

Hi all together, my name is Sebastian.
I’m trying to test my API with Katalon-Studio for a University Project.

Software I’m using:

  • Linux MINT 22
  • Katalon Studio Free 9.5/9.7.2/9.7.3/10.0.1

Everytime I open or create a new Webservice-Request Katalon-Studio opens following Window:

it doesn’t matter what I click, the window is not closed.
I have to click 10 times or even more to close this window.
On creating/opening the next Request it’s the same.

If I have autorestore activated it shows up on Katalon Start as well.

Is there a way how i can fix this?

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Hi @komplett-besoffen ,

Thanks for bringing this up, we’re looking into it.