[Community Award 2023] Monty Bagati - Most Impactful Creator 🏆

Community Award (Monty) - alt

Hi Community members, :wave:

For our next award category, we would like to give a big shout out to Monty Bagati (@Monty_Bagati), our Most Impactful Katalon Creator of 2023 for his dedication to champion the Katalon brand and innovations through hosting local meetups, answering product questions on Katalon Community forum, collaborating with the Katalon team in our webinars, and more!

We also got a chance to sit down with Monty and discuss with him on his experiences being a Katalon Creator. Read more below :point_down:

In the short video below, Monty will be sharing with you about this experiences as a Katalon Creator and his message for those who aspire to become a Katalon Creator as well :point_down:

Thank you very much Monty for your efforts, and we cannot wait to see what you will be able to achieve in the future as a Katalon Creator!

Katalon Community team

:information_source: Interested in representing Katalon externally i.e. at meetups, press conferences, webinars, etc. and getting rewarded at the same time? Then become a Katalon Creator today!

:information_source: To see all of our Katalon Community 2023 Year End Award winners, simply navigate to the award-2023 tag!