[Coming Soon] Ask Katalon Anything - Feb 26 to Mar 04, 2024 🪄

Hi folks,

Below is a sneak peek of the Product Managers who will be joining Ask Katalon Anything next week!

Meet our Product Managers :wave:

Tri Le Nghi Hua Xuan Tran
Le Van Thanh Tri (@tri.tle) - Product Manager (TestOps) Nghi Hua (@nghi.hua) - Product Manager (TrueTest) Tran Thi Kim Xuan (@xuan.tran) - Product Manager (Katalon Studio)
Win Le is working on the Platform (TestOps) module which handles the end-to-end testing experiences i.e. test organization, planning, execution, and reporting on the Katalon Platform. He is always looking to learn from, and empathize with, Katalon users to further improve our products and services. Nghi, also known as Koji, is a member of the TrueTest product team. One of the key features of TrueTest is its ability to automate the regression testing process. By comprehending and replicating real user behaviors, TrueTest can generate more effective and efficient test cases. Therefore, Nghi looks forward to all of your concerns and feedback about TrueTest. As an Associate Product Manager, Xuan aims to deliver the best user experience for Katalon Studio (KS) users, as well as make KS more powerful and efficient with each release. If you have a question relating to Katalon Studio i.e. best practice, etc., then feel free to mention Xuan in your question.

Feel free to share your questions in the thread if you already have them! Your input is highly valued, and we can’t wait to address them during the Ask Katalon Anything session.

Looking forward to your participation!