CICD Error - All launchers terminated - Azure DevOps / VSTS / TFS


We are seeing an issue where during our scheduled test runs we sometimes get an “All launchers Terminated” entry in the log and the test run stops. We are calling our test from TFS through command line. I will try to explain the specifics to our set up below.

  1. We have 2 licenses for the run-time engine and there are two license files on the sever where the test are being run. I put the license files in there instead of using the online authorization as my first step in trying to debug this issue.

  2. There are two agents that can run our Katalon tests and it is possible and probable that they both will initiate very close to the same time.

  3. Our KS run-time version is 7.0.5.

  4. This error never occurred while using the free version 6.3.3.

  5. If I redeploy in TFS the test will run.

  6. We have a series of tests that are set to run on a schedule and they all utilize the same two agents. Once one of the agents is available the next test will queue and run.

I thought this may be because a license wasn’t released in time for the next agent to run and this forced the launchers to terminate. This is why I moved to the offline license files instead of the online but the error persists. Below I’ve added the actual log message from TFS.

2019-11-05T11:07:20.2444420Z ##[section]Starting: Run Smoke
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2604939Z ==============================================================================
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2605071Z Task : Command line
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2605174Z Description : Run a command line script using Bash on Linux and macOS and cmd.exe on Windows
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2605255Z Version : 2.151.1
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2605332Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2605437Z Help : Command Line task - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs
2019-11-05T11:07:20.2605531Z ==============================================================================
2019-11-05T11:07:22.0022776Z Generating script.
2019-11-05T11:07:22.0354884Z Script contents:
2019-11-05T11:07:22.0366993Z “E:\Katalon\Katalon_Studio_Engine_Windows_64-7.0.5\katalonc.exe” -noSplash -runMode=console -projectPath=“E:\KatalonTests\FSI.Mobile.FL.Web.Katalon_QA\FSI.Mobile.FL.Web.Katalon\FSI.Mobile.FL.Web.Katalon.prj” -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=“Test Suites/SmokeQA” -executionProfile=“FSI.Mobile.FL.Web.Katalon_QA” -browserType=“Chrome (headless)” -reportFolder=“E:\KatalonTests\FSI.Mobile.FL.Web.Katalon_QA\Results_19533_1_QA_Smoke” -reportFileName=JUnit_Report -apiKey=“Apikeyremoved”
2019-11-05T11:07:22.1362948Z ========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
2019-11-05T11:07:22.2087737Z ##[command]“C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe” /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C “CALL “C:\agent2_work_temp\c23dea46-c1a1-4567-9e62-bbe33a25d300.cmd””
2019-11-05T11:07:25.0718265Z Katalon workspace folder is set to default location: E:\Katalon\Katalon_Studio_Engine_Windows_64-7.0.5\config
2019-11-05T11:07:25.4402158Z All launchers terminated
2019-11-05T11:07:25.7402621Z ##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code ‘1’.
2019-11-05T11:07:25.7728576Z ##[section]Finishing: Run Smoke

All the license problem will be warned in log file, but I don’t find any one in your log. We are investigate your case and response you soon.

Hi @kgurtsak,

Could you remote to the TFS machine and try to run this project with GUI mode?

On the TFS server we only have the runtime installed. The projects all run fine when we execute them from our local machines. Also, it doesn’t fail every time, sometimes it succeeds.

I did find some errors in the log file that I can send to you directly. Some of the errors indicate a incorrect MachineID. The machine ID that I used was one that was showing in the TestOps portal but now there is a different one? Is it possible for the machine Id to change? The machine Id may be a moot point right now since these failures started while using the online activation process and we only switched to offline as a debugging measure.

Also, I need to check to see if our 2 test agents that run on this machine would somehow utilize two different machine ids?

If it was a licensing issue I would expect the failures to occur every time.

Did you run 2 katalon engine with the same project folder in the same time ?

No, that shouldn’t happen. When we deploy the artifact (project files) they are created in a folder that is unique to the environment under test. Also, doing a single deployment has generated the same error so in that case there is only one instance of Katalon running.

When we deploy the artifact the folder is unique but the files from the previous deployment are still there. So the new files over write the old. Do you think this could be causing the issue? It never had a problem before but I could add a step in our deployment process to clear the files from the folder prior to deployment. Do you think that would help?


I just wanted to provide an update to the community. I’ve moved my issue to an actual support ticket and so far I’ve been informed that you cannot initialize multiple instances of the KRE even if you have multiple RE licenses available. In other words, sequential only, no parallel execution. With KS 6.3.3. we were able to run multiple instance without any issue. Out test server uses 2 agents on one server so the thought right now is that one run is causing issues with the other. Once I have the issue confirmed and resolved I’ll try to remember to come back here and post the final solution.


Hi. I think the support agent has misunderstood the question.

Regarding the clearing offline license, please PM the organization ID and I will proceed.

I was asked to upgrade to KRE 7.0.9. and that seems to have resolved the issue. I can see in the folder structure of the application that it is now able to handle multiple sessions.


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