Automate .xlsm file(application)

Hi Team,
We have an applcation(vba code) built in excel (.xlsm file) . I was trying to use Katalon windows testing option using Windows record and playback. But evenif the aplication is opening it is not showing in the app.

Also is it possible to do this automation in katalon ? Can katalon identify locators in a .xlsm file?

Please let me know. Your answer will be much appreciated.


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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


It appears that @vanimol.s is asking a similar question as

This Stackoverflow thread tells us that ---- nobody does such thing.


Have you seen this?

Hi @vanimol.s, :wave:

Welcome to our forum.

Just a friendly reminder to follow up with Kazuyaram’s comments so that you two could find a solution to your question.
