Community Newsletter Oct 30, 2024 📰

Hey there! :wave:

Curious about what’s been happening in our forum?

Take a look at the latest updates, news, and discussions from the past two weeks. There’s something for everyone - come and explore!

:speech_balloon: Trending discussions :speech_balloon:

:sparkles: Community spotlights :sparkles:

:wave: Say hi to our newest members! :wave:

:spiral_calendar: Events & activities :pushpin:

:lady_beetle: Bug Catcher :lady_beetle:

:trophy: Collect badges & earn rewards :trophy:


:speech_balloon: Trending Discussions :speech_balloon:

Calling All Experts!

Your support is needed! In the past two weeks, 43 new threads have popped up in our forum, and several questions are still waiting for answers. Your expertise could help transform these discussions into valuable resources for our entire community. Dive in and make a difference by sharing your insights!

:information_source: Did you know, that the more you interact with others on our forum i.e. creating a thread, replying to others, liking someone’s comment, the more you would receive Kudos points, which you can then use to exchange gifts from us? Learn more about our Kudos Rewards Program!

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:sparkles: Community Spotlights :sparkles:

Share Your Best Testing Tips & Tricks!

We want to hear from you! Share your favorite testing tips, tricks, and best practices with the community. Your insights are invaluable, and we’re excited to learn from your experiences!

News/threads Description
Katalon Visual Testing Detailed videos Due to high interest, @ravikanth.edamakanti is excited to share a YouTube video with an in-depth explanation of Katalon Visual Testing #2, covering setup and performance. Stay tuned!
[KShare] How to Record with TestCloud devices? Our latest Kshare article in the TestCloud series showcases how to use TestCloud mobile devices for recording and playback—a new feature introduced in version 9.5.0. If you’re interested, check it out and give a shoutout to the team for their contribution!
[KShare] How to Download and Interact with an .XLSX File in TestCloud? This article addresses the question: “I have a local test case that downloads an .xlsx Excel file from a website, opens it to validate the data, and now I want to do the same using TestCloud. How do I achieve it?”
[KShare] Switching Desktop Windows 400x Faster using Custom Keyword 🚀 In the Desktop Testing series, many users have shown strong interest in Custom Keywords and Switching Desktop Windows. Check out the articles to streamline your tasks!

Do you have any other threads in mind that you would like to see featured here? Simply comment below :point_down:

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:wave: Say hi to our new members! :wave:

We would like to welcome our new members in the last two weeks @newcomers to our forum!

Since you are new here, we are sure that you have a lot of questions about how our forum works, as well as how you can receive the best support from others. Hence, please take your time to familiarize yourselves with our Getting Started Guide below:

Please also make sure to say hi to everyone, and maybe introduce a little bit about yourself in the thread below:

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:spiral_calendar: Events & activities :pushpin:

Check out our current & upcoming events below:

1. [Recap] Level Up Your QA Career: Mastering Automation with Katalon (Bahasa Indonesian)

Web thumbnail - final

The knowledge-sharing session between Binar and Katalon was a success last Saturday, October 26. With over 500 registrations and more than 300 participants, we gained valuable insights from the sessions. Our team is excited to document all the Q&As to benefit the entire community. Feel free to reach out for more information!

Stay tuned as we will have a special activity for all Academy learners soon! :wink:

2. Katalon Community’s Journey to 100K Members :rocket:

Oct 2024 - 90K

Great news! Our Community is on track to achieve 100K members (combined from our Academy & Community forum) by the end of this year! Until then, we’ll introduce new activities & changes coming to our forum to celebrate the occasion! Stay tuned! :wink:

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:lady_beetle: Bug Catcher :lady_beetle:

Help Us Make Katalon Better!

We’ve noticed fewer bug reports in Bugs Report recently, and we’d love your help in improving Katalon products! If you spot any bugs or issues while testing, please report them. Your feedback is essential to enhancing our software and creating a smoother experience for all users. Thanks for being a vital part of making Katalon even better!

Threads Description Workaround
Can't edit mobile object properties Not see the Edit button on Object Properties so cannot change condition Investigating
[CRITICAL] After updating to 9.7.2 renaming TC will show error 2. try will delete all steps/code in the TC After upgrading to 9.7.2, Renaming the test case shows error and deleted all steps/codes in TC Investigating
JIRA Server, create a new issue error: issue type not found Facing issue that Issue Type shows nothing after successfully integrating with Jira Waiting for more information

:information_source: Help us improve! Your feedback and bug reports are essential. Share them in the Bugs Report category and we will investigate to keep things running smoothly for you.

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:trophy: Collect badges & earn rewards :trophy:

Did you know, that aside from the Kudos Rewards Program, you can also earn badges to not only show off your achievement and commitment to our forum, but also to get rewarded? :gift:

We have 5 badge groups with each level requiring a higher level of participation on our forum (but also higher rewards)! Learn more about them below :point_down:

We’d also like to give a shout-out to the members below who have earned the New User of the Month badge in October. Even though you’re just newbies, your contributions to our forum haven’t gone unnoticed!

@krishna44qa and @depapp

As a token of our appreciation, we’ll send each of you an extra 200 Kudos!

Keep on being such valuable members of our forum! :raised_hands:

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