Application is crashed during restarting katalon studio after changing theme from Light to Dark

Steps to reproduce—>>

  1. Start Katalon studio 9.0.0
  2. Change Themes from window menu to Dark. A info message appears as "Katalon studio requires restart to take fully effect.Would you like to restart now?
  3. click to Yes button

Expected Results -->>
Dark themes should be changed/appeared.

Actual Results ---->>
Error message is displayed as attached in the screenshot.

Operating System
Windows 11

Katalon Studio version
version 9.0.0

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Thank you for letting us know. I will let my team know and investigate it


My team would like to suggest that you should quit and restart Katalon. Hope this can help

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Thank you @Elly_Tran !, I already had tried suggested solution and working after restart Katalon.
There is no blocker but this issue should be resolved.
As a paid user, not expecting like this issue.

Yeah, sorry for this inconvenience. My team will fix it in the future but please understand that it will not have high priority as it is simple and has easy workaround. Please understand for us. Thank you for your concern

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Same here.
Katalon got totally buggy and much worse with the new 9.x.x releases
It happens many times that my Katalon Studio Preferences are gone / resetted and I get the same Java-Error like @atul.rai mentioned almost everytime I start Katalon.
Working with katalon is just annoying meanwhile and I will ask my Project Lead these days if we may can switch to cypress.
We are actually paying for this product and I could open a support ticket but I have no time for reporting all these bugs…