[Academy] Pioneering Generative AI in Test Automation with Katalon 🎓


Hi Community members, :wave:

Today, we are excited to unveil our new AI-focused Learning Path on Katalon Academy: Pioneering Generative AI in Test Automation with Katalon! This learning path is for software QAs, automation newcomers, and professionals who want to explore AI in test automation.

This path includes courses that show you how to use Katalon’s AI-powered features, which are still in development, to improve your team’s testing productivity. You’ll learn how to use Generative AI to create manual and automated test cases, analyze test data, and enhance testing efficiency with AI-driven insights.

After completing this path, you’ll have a basic understanding and knowledge of AI’s role and future potential in test automation, giving you an edge in this innovative field. You will be able to apply some of Katalon’s solutions to start using AI to improve your team’s testing workflow.

Start learning now

:information_source: Notes:

  • You will need to complete all the courses in this path to earn your certificate of completion.
  • You can refresh the page to update the status of the enrolled courses if necessary.
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