[Academy] Inspire others with your learning journeys and win gift! 🎁


1. How is this activity different from the previous Share your Certifications journey activities?
The Share your Certification journeys activity was targeted mainly at our Katalon Academy learners who were aiming to get certified i.e. achieving our Practitioner, Professional, or Expert-tier certificate via the Katalon Certifications program. This activity, however, is open for all Katalon Academy learners.

2. What are the requirements for me to join this activity?
There is no hard requirement, but ideally, you should have at least completed a few courses on Katalon Academy prior to joining this activity

3. How do I know how many courses I have completed?

  1. Go to the Katalon Academy homepage (Make sure that you are logged in).
  2. Hover on your profile picture in the upper-right corner, and choose β€œEnrolled Courses"
  3. You will see a list of courses that you have enrolled in, those which you have completed will display β€œ100% completed" in the progress bar.

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4. What if my lucky number is the same as someone else’s?
Then whoever commented their lucky number first will get to keep it, and the one who comments later will need to change their number(s), otherwise, you will not be eligible to join our lucky draw.

5. How can I make my story better?
The best stories should provide clear and detailed outcomes from learning on Katalon Academy, for example, starting a new job, overcoming a challenge in your current job, increase your testing efficiency by [insert number here]%. But please also refrain from exaggerating too much!