Xml CDATA manipulation difficulty

Hello I am using Katalons integration of cucumber and I would like to create a nicer report than the one generated from feature runner.
I have chosen to generate xml junit report instead of html one and create a xslt template to shape it to a form I want.(output will be finally pdf)
I want to present the individual feature ‘steps’ such as @Given @When @Then in the output, however I find it very difficult to manipulate them since in a XML generated by katalon the steps are in the CDATA section without any tags or anything at all that I could use to specifically target the desired step.
Is there a way to get the steps in CDATA with eg. or any other tag so that I can manipulate each step individually?
example of the XML output for a specific test case :

As you can see, the only way to access the test steps is through reading the tag and I get a long sequence of characters that I can not treat in any meaningful manner.
Is there any suggestion on how to improve either the XML output itself, or how to be able to read this type of xml data via XSLT?
Also if katalon team could consider the xml CDATA output as an improvement for the future, it would make the manipulation of the individual test steps much easier.
Example of what I am talking about :

<![CDATA[ Given I navigate to the inter246 login page or passed . . . ]]>

or pretty much anything that is targettable.
Any suggestions for resolving my issue are of course welcome.

Is there a way to get the steps in CDATA with eg. or any other tag so that I can manipulate each step individually?

If you want to work on the detail of a Feature file, you need to parse the Feature file yourself.

This may help