Why Mobile Spy is flipping the screen?

Hello, we are facing problems with Mobile Spy while emulating devices with android studio.
Whenever we try to spy or record the apk the whole screen is flipped upside down as shown in the screenshot.

We are using appium 1.22.3
Pixel 3a Android API 34 SDK Platform.
Windows 10

We tried fresh installation for Katalon 9.6.0/8.6.8, Android Studio.
Even windows 10 fresh installation.
And still get the same issue.

we tried it with different emulators and apks such as google calculator but the problem persists.

What the problem would be?

Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Hi @OmarIsmail,

Welcome to our community. Thank you for sharing your issue. Can you please try setting up the orientation like: Set up Desired Capabilities in Mobile Testing in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs? And see if it works

we tired it multiple times unfortunately it didn’t work.


I will ask my team and update with you soon

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Hi @OmarIsmail,

Can you try to rotate flipping down the screen on Android Studio and see if KS screen is ok? If you have real device, try with that in case Android Studio has some problems. Thank you

Hello, we tried flipping the screen on Android Studio, nothing happens.
when I try it with a real device it works, but it’s inconsistent. usually it works after a full reboot of the device.

It seems to be Android Studio’s problem. Can you try to reinstall it?

We tried that multiple times with fresh installation for Windows 10 and Android Studio, nothing changed.

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i was wondering if there has been any update on this?