What is the syntax for ‘contains text()’ in Test Object scripting view when using variables?

Hi all,

I’m wondering, is it possible to modify the scripts with variables in a way that will allow us to ‘Click’ an element that contains ONLY some parts of the text ?

Here is an example:
WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Our locators/Transaction’, [(‘text’) : Timestamp
, (‘class’) : ‘cx-item-contents cx-item-time col-md-3’]))

As you can see, we use a variable named ‘Timestamp’ here.
What we want is to tell Katalon Studio to click an element that contains '1: 30 pm - ’ and not the whole time-stamp ‘1:30 pm - 2:40 pm’

So, how can we define that partial text in that script ?
Is this something like :
ConditionType.contains ???



we found that. It is built-in.
While defining ‘Object’s properties’ you can select as many attributes as you need and next to the ‘text’ attribute just select ‘contains’ and then it should work.

text > contains > ${text}

hi can you show this in an example or manual mode??