What Happens When the Maximum Test Runs is Reached on TestOps?

What Happens When the Maximum Test Runs is Reached on TestOps?

3,500 test have been run and a 3,501 test run is executed

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Lets say you have a limit of 3500 test runs based on your subscription plan, for Paid Plans the Katalon Testops will allow you to execute tests upto 125% of your plan. but after that it wont allow unless you buy additional testruns for your plan or you upgrade your plan.

Thank you @rakesh.m for sharing this. You are correct. We have different plans to cater different needs for teams. Once it hits the limit, you are recommended to upgrade to more suitable plans to continue your work. You can check the detailed plan here Software Quality Management Platform | Katalon Pricing. Hope this helps.


Also, @jason.tolotta @rakesh.m please contact your Customer Success Manager to get the best option for this situation. Thanks again for using Katalon Platform.