Want to use JAVA Selenium code as it is in KATALON


i want to use selenium code as it is in to katalon. how to use it.
i have ready scripts for selenium in java language. i want to use that scripts as it is into katalon. how can i use that scripts in to KATALON.

please help.

thanks in advanced…

Hi Sanket,

create a new Custom keyword in Katalon and put your code there - it behaves as standard Java class.

Marek Melocik said:

Hi Sanket,

create a new Custom keyword in Katalon and put your code there - it behaves as standard Java class.

can you please explain how to create custom keyword and how to put code there,
also provide if any documents are available or links.

All documentation about Keywords is available here: https://docs.katalon.com/display/KD/Define+custom+keywords

Link is not working…

Hi this is youtube video link for you about customKeyword and all

And this is for selenium code to katalon code