How to add custom java class in katalon?

I have PDF text verify inbuilt java-class that can be used in selenium and other tools,mean while how can i create a custom java class in katalon?Is there is way to create custom java-class in katalon?

If yes please mention the steps to implement it.

I have created a custom class in Custom Keywords, but by default i am getting Groovy programming language in the class, how can i change it to the java?

Thanks in Advance


Is there any way to implement it?

you have to create class in as a keyword however you can call anywhere like you do in normal java


// custom keyword
public class Message {
public static String PageName(String message) {
String s = “abc”
return s

// keyword call
import testpack.Message
def a = Message.PageName(“yourMessageString”)
log.logInfo(" my name is " + a)

You can create custom class in Custom Keyword file itself.