I want to write selenium codes & use WebElements only as keywords. Then I want to use those keywords in my test case & want to pass only webelements as parameter. I do. It want to use any katalon on specific Like WebUi or findTestObject. Can anyone help

I want to write selenium codes & use WebElements only as keywords. Then I want to use those keywords in my test case & want to pass only webelements as parameter. I do. It want to use any katalon on specific Like WebUi or findTestObject. Can anyone help…

Hi @jayabrata.chakrabort

Please structure the question more clearly.

If I understand it correctly, you want to write Selenium code and take advantage of Katalon’s built-in keywords. If such is the case, then there is a keyword in Katalon called convertWebElementToTestObject which accepts a Selenium WebElement and return a TestObject. You can use this keyword to achieve your (presumed) purpose.