/var/folders/v2/19khq_d54f11mf39fnyzh9g40000gr/T/jenkins9190163076935219347.sh: line 3: ./katalonc: No such file or directory

I try to run from jenkins but always I have this error.
I don’t know how to advance with this, Im blocked here

Can you help me

$ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/v2/19khq_d54f11mf39fnyzh9g40000gr/T/jenkins9190163076935219347.sh

  • cd /Applications/
  • ./katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console ‘-projectPath=/Users/tntsports/Katalon Studio/CNPLUS DEMO/Android Mobile Tests with Katalon Studio.prj’ -retry=1 -retryFailedTestCases=true ‘-testSuitePath=Test Suites/CNPLUS Web Argentina - Movistar - Directv’ ‘-executionProfile=Sanity Checks Automated’ -browserType=Chrome -apiKey=fa75c09a-5dc8-4177-aa8f-12e1811a5699 -apiKeyOnPremise= --config -proxy.auth.option=NO_PROXY -proxy.system.option=NO_PROXY
    /var/folders/v2/19khq_d54f11mf39fnyzh9g40000gr/T/jenkins9190163076935219347.sh: line 3: ./katalonc: No such file or directory
    Build step ‘Run command line(shell)’ marked build as failure
    Finished: FAILURE

My KSR and KSE is in Cd /Applications ans jenkis is running.



Do you use the Katalon Jenkins plugin? Please show your Jenkins configuration.