Katalon not found

Hi all,

     I've been working several days trying to solve this issue, and I'm posting the error here, maybe someone had the same issue and can help.

     Trying to run Katalon from Jenkins JX (Jenkins ver. 2.176.4) with the latest Katalon plugin (1.0.21). I'm trying to run 5.10.x and 6.3.x, and neither of both worked (having the same behavior / error).

     Moreover, jenkins user has full permissions over project folder and project build.

     Already reviewed topic in: http://forum.katalon.com/t/jenkins-and-katalon-issue-sh-1-katalon-not-found/22242

     This may also help (Jenkins System information):

os.arch - amd64
os.name - Linux
os.version - 4.14.106-97.85.amzn2.x86_64

The error shown in Jenkins console is the following.

Started by user Gustavo Pozzi
Running as SYSTEM
Agent aws-cdk-8fwmz is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template

apiVersion: ā€œv1ā€
kind: ā€œPodā€
annotations: {}
jenkins: ā€œslaveā€
jenkins/jenkins-aws-cdk: ā€œtrueā€
name: ā€œaws-cdk-8fwmzā€

  • args:
    • ā€œ********ā€
    • ā€œaws-cdk-8fwmzā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_SECRETā€
      value: ā€œ********ā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_TUNNELā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-agent:50000ā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_AUTHOR_EMAILā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x@googlegroups.comā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_COMMITTER_NAMEā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x-botā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_AUTHOR_NAMEā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x-botā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIRā€
      value: ā€œ/home/jenkins/agentā€
    • name: ā€œXDG_CONFIG_HOMEā€
      value: ā€œ/home/jenkinsā€
    • name: ā€œDOCKER_CONFIGā€
      value: ā€œ/home/jenkins/.docker/ā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_AGENT_NAMEā€
      value: ā€œaws-cdk-8fwmzā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_COMMITTER_EMAILā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x@googlegroups.comā€
    • name: ā€œ_JAVA_OPTIONSā€
      value: ā€œ-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true
      \ -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:GCTimeRatio=4
      \ -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -Xms10m -Xmx512mā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_NAMEā€
      value: ā€œaws-cdk-8fwmzā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_URLā€
      value: ā€œhttp://jenkins:8080ā€
      image: ā€œjenkinsci/jnlp-slave:3.26-1-alpineā€
      imagePullPolicy: ā€œIfNotPresentā€
      name: ā€œjnlpā€
      limits: {}
      memory: ā€œ128Miā€
      cpu: ā€œ100mā€
      privileged: false
      tty: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/home/jenkins/.dockerā€
      name: ā€œvolume-2ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/root/.m2ā€
      name: ā€œvolume-1ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/var/run/docker.sockā€
      name: ā€œvolume-0ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/home/jenkins/.gnupgā€
      name: ā€œvolume-3ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/home/jenkins/agentā€
      name: ā€œworkspace-volumeā€
      readOnly: false
      workingDir: ā€œ/home/jenkins/agentā€
  • args:
    • ā€œcatā€
    • ā€œ/bin/shā€
    • ā€œ-cā€
    • name: ā€œDOCKER_CONFIGā€
      value: ā€œ/home/jenkins/.docker/ā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_AUTHOR_EMAILā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x@googlegroups.comā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_COMMITTER_EMAILā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x@googlegroups.comā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_COMMITTER_NAMEā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x-botā€
    • name: ā€œ_JAVA_OPTIONSā€
      value: ā€œ-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true
      \ -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:GCTimeRatio=4
      \ -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -Xms10m -Xmx512mā€
    • name: ā€œGIT_AUTHOR_NAMEā€
      value: ā€œjenkins-x-botā€
    • name: ā€œXDG_CONFIG_HOMEā€
      value: ā€œ/home/jenkinsā€
    • name: ā€œJENKINS_URLā€
      value: ā€œhttp://jenkins:8080ā€
      image: ā€œGoogle Cloud consoleā€
      imagePullPolicy: ā€œIfNotPresentā€
      name: ā€œaws-cdkā€
      memory: ā€œ2048Miā€
      cpu: ā€œ2ā€
      memory: ā€œ512Miā€
      cpu: ā€œ400mā€
      privileged: true
      tty: true
    • mountPath: ā€œ/home/jenkins/.dockerā€
      name: ā€œvolume-2ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/root/.m2ā€
      name: ā€œvolume-1ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/var/run/docker.sockā€
      name: ā€œvolume-0ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/home/jenkins/.gnupgā€
      name: ā€œvolume-3ā€
      readOnly: false
    • mountPath: ā€œ/home/jenkins/agentā€
      name: ā€œworkspace-volumeā€
      readOnly: false
      workingDir: ā€œ/home/jenkins/agentā€
      nodeSelector: {}
      restartPolicy: ā€œNeverā€
      serviceAccount: ā€œjenkinsā€
  • hostPath:
    path: ā€œ/var/run/docker.sockā€
    name: ā€œvolume-0ā€
  • name: ā€œvolume-2ā€
    secretName: ā€œjenkins-docker-cfgā€
  • name: ā€œvolume-1ā€
    secretName: ā€œjenkins-maven-settingsā€
  • emptyDir:
    medium: ā€œā€
    name: ā€œworkspace-volumeā€
  • name: ā€œvolume-3ā€
    secretName: ā€œjenkins-release-gpgā€

Building remotely on aws-cdk-8fwmz (jenkins-aws-cdk) in workspace /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/KatalonTests
using credential jx-pipeline-git-github-github--com
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository https://github..com/AI/qa.git

git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/KatalonTests # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from https://github..com/AI/qa.git
git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials API Token for acccessing https://github..com Git service inside pipelines
git fetch --tags --progress ā€“ https://github..com/AI/qa.git +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/
git config remote.origin.url https://github..com/AI/qa.git # timeout=10
git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/ # timeout=10
git config remote.origin.url https://github..com/AI/qa.git # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from https://github..com/AI/qa.git
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials API Token for acccessing https://github..com Git service inside pipelines
git fetch --tags --progress ā€“ https://github..com/AI/qa.git +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/
git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision (refs/remotes/origin/master)
git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
git checkout -f
Commit message: ā€œMerge pull request #62 from AI/gpozzi/sprint22-enhancementsā€
git rev-list --no-walk # timeout=10
[2019-12-31T01:00:39.106] Retrieve Katalon Studio version: 6.3.3, OS: linux
[2019-12-31T01:00:39.908] Number of releases: 245
[2019-12-31T01:00:39.908] Katalon Studio is hosted at https://github.com/katalon-studio/katalon-studio/releases/download/v6.3.3/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-6.3.3.tar.gz.
[2019-12-31T01:00:39.909] Downloading Katalon Studio from https://github.com/katalon-studio/katalon-studio/releases/download/v6.3.3/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-6.3.3.tar.gz. It may take a few minutes.
[2019-12-31T01:00:49.254] Extract /tmp/Katalon-2880516187703948030 to /home/jenkins/.katalon/6.3.3
[2019-12-31T01:00:49.255] Execute [sh, -c, tar -xzf ā€œ/tmp/Katalon-2880516187703948030ā€] in /home/jenkins/.katalon/6.3.3
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.952] Katalon Studio has been installed successfully.
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.958] Using Katalon Studio at /home/jenkins/.katalon/6.3.3/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-6.3.3
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.958] Making driver executablesā€¦
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.958] Drivers folder at: /home/jenkins/.katalon/6.3.3/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-6.3.3/configuration/resources/drivers
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.962] Set chromedriver as executable !
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.962] Set geckodriver as executable !
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.964] Execute [sh, -c, /home/jenkins/.katalon/6.3.3/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-6.3.3/katalon -noSplash -runMode=console -retry=0 -testSuitePath=ā€œTest Suites/runJobsTcā€ -executionProfile=ā€œqaā€ -browserType=ā€œWeb Serviceā€ -projectPath=ā€œ/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/KatalonTests/qa/katalon/Project.prjā€ ] in /tmp/katalon-8238143155864695992
[2019-12-31T01:00:52.965] sh: /home/jenkins/.katalon/6.3.3/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-6.3.3/katalon: not found
Build step ā€˜Execute Katalon Studio Testsā€™ marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE

Your help is appreciated, Thanks in advance,


1 Like

Having this exact same issue. Anyone know what a solution might be?

Can you check under:


Which appears in the error message to see if the file pointed by that path exists ?

Hi ,
I am facing the same issue, i have checked the file path as you mentioned above and it exists.
Can someone help here what is the issue causing this and the solution.
Appreciate your help in advance.

Also having the same issue. Any solution?