Unable to start application : ... Original error: Error in waiting for device. Original error: 'Error executing adbExec


I’m new to mobile Katalon and I want to launch my first sample android mobile test project.

The Specification:

  • OS: Windows 10 64bit
  • Katalon Version:
  • deviceOS: Android
  • deviceOSVersion: 6.0

But when I Run the sample projet I get this message :

When i try record mobile i get this message:

What should I do?

Thank you,

Hi @Rahadiyan_Koesandria,

Could you please confirm what version of Appium you’re using by running from your command line:

appium -v

It’s now recommended that you use Appium 1.12.1 with Katalon Studio 6.2.1.

Hope this helps,


Hi @Chris_Trevarthen,

thanks for your response, now i’ve been found the solutions.
i’ve been downgrade the appium version to 1.8.0 and downgrade the katalon version to 6.1.5.
and download new sdk tools.

Best Regards


Great, glad you got it working! Those older versions should definitely work for Android.

If you need to test on iOS, you may have better luck with the newer versions of Appium and Katalon.

– Chris