Unable to see the web service JSON response in pretty or raw format (only preview format is working)




There is a Katalon Error in some Web Service Cases…I already put a question regarding my APIs. I’m Getting an HTML response instead of a JSON an POSTMAN is returning the correct JSON response for the same PUT. I did a search in the HTML in order to get the key…but your case is different.

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Eleazar Ramirez said:

There is a Katalon Error in some Web Service Cases…I already put a question regarding my APIs. I’m Getting an HTML response instead of a JSON an POSTMAN is returning the correct JSON response for the same PUT. I did a search in the HTML in order to get the key…but your case is different.

Thanks for the response. Today I have noticed that my case happened in windows 7, but it is not happening and working fine in windows 10

I have exactly the same issue on ubuntu 18.04 with katalon version 6.1.3.

Does anyone know how to fix it ?


I am unable to see the web service JSON response in pretty or raw format. Only preview format is working on ubuntu 18.04 with katalon version 6.1.5.

Does anyone know how to fix it ?

I m still seeing this issue on Windows 10 pro

I could solve the issue by adding an header “Accept”:“'/”. This solved my issue. Hope this would help others