Unable to create a new remote session with iOS

Hello dear testers
I’m here again to finalize my testing of ios
In the upcoming appeal(Problems with Real device ios testing - #3 by satish1607), you helped me identify the devices in the list of devices
At the moment, we had another error, “Unable to create a new remote session”

From what I noticed, the logs mention interaction with another device (several iPhones are connected to the computer), not with the one I specified,
But when the only device s connected to Mac, i got another problem

With our team, we tried to create a new ipa file via xCode (could the reason be that we are working with .ipa and not .app files)
I want to thank everyone in advance for their help
I believe that together we can achieve a result

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Please follow below steps:

Finally I resolved my iOS issue by following below steps:

Katalon v 6.3.2 build 4
Appium v 1.14 2

it covers Unable to open application with multiple reason like error code 65, 253, etc

I was getting error when I excutedd below command on Mac terminal

iOS-deploy —id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx —bundle .ipa/.app file path (xx means device id)

Error I got “a valid provisional profile not found” in console

To resolve profile issue I followed below steps:

I have asked my developer to add my real devices UIID in there list ( I am not sure, some .plist file will be there and developer need to add the real devices UIID. After adding they generated the build for me, then onlyI was able to install .ipa/.app file into real devices otherwise it is not going to work.)

Now I installed latest version of Katalon Studio by following steps present on below URL :

https://docs.katalon.com – 22 Aug 19

Mobile on macOS

Katalon Studio Supported Environment on macOS Appium: 1.12.1 onwards Android: 6.x onwards iOS: 9.x onwards Attention Some emulators have already supported Appium through their installations. Thus, if you want to…

@ Install WebDriver agent either click on link present on website or follow the below URL

https://docs.katalon.com – 22 Aug 19

Installing WebDriverAgent for iOS devices

Warning This setup process is NOT required if you use an Android device. Please go straight to this step instead. WebDriverAgent is a WebDriver server implementation for iOS that can be used to remote control…

While following the steps you might get issue with Appium, When you found that ./Scripts/bootstrap.sh file not found in ur system or not able to execute the commands

You need to resolve this issue by following below steps

Actual location is


Some version of Appium having different location you need to search and find the correct location

Open terminal

Execute the below command

$find. -name bootstrap.sh

It will display where bootstrap.sh file is located

Type PWD to get the path and change the directory to above path, most probably it will be /Users/Username/Library

Change the directory and execute the below commands

Then follow the remaining steps

Like WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj

Once it open in Xcode your build process may fail due to build identifier name to avoid that change the build identifier name to some thing else like

Com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner to com.fb.WebDriverAgent it should be unique

**Then go to product->build **
same you need to repeat for



Once succeeded select IntegrationApp in left hand side then go to Product->Run in Xcode and make sure ur real device is selected so that it will install the IntegrationApp in ur connected real device, once installed don’t remove it


xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination ‘id=<udid>’ test

where UDID is your Device ID

Your WebDriverRunner agent process is success

if in future you are getting unable to install application with error code 65 or 253 please install the IntegrationApp from Xcode to real device, then run ur test.

Now Open the Katalon Studio

Create/Open any Project

Go to Project->Settings->Desired Capabilities

And add the following

platformVersion 12.1

deviceName iPhone6s

bundleId com.hubble.btappphase1

udid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

useNewWDA true

AutomationName XCUITest

Select all type = String except useNewWDA, for this it need to be selected as Boolean

Now Click on Spy Mobile or Record Mobile and select iOS from dropdown

Select Device name as ur real device

Start with Application File

Provide the path of ur .ipa/.app file in Application File

Click on Start

It should launch ur application without any issue

If ur connected device is not listing or recognised by Katalon Studio Please flood the below steps

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies libimobiledevice

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies usbmuxd

brew install --HEAD usbmuxd

brew unlink usbmuxd

brew link usbmuxd

brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice

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thanks for help, but the problem does not solute