Tutorials are grayed out, Quickstart page is completely blank

Mhm …
Ok, let’s see the history of this topic.
The initial complain was about the quick-start page not showing any content, and some other found during the discussions…
During the topic we broght also into this the 'greyed out link issue, which, as the OP noticed, gets activated only when a certain project is opened (and this behave the same as previous) e.g:

I cannot confirm if the main issue was fixed or not (content not displayed), since:

  • It was reported for MacOS and I don’t own such device
  • I am not in mood to play again with the webkit libs on my machine to confirm it was fixed or not for Linux

Therefore, kindly:

@Elly_Tran please provide more details about what has been actually fixed

@Oliver_Gramberg please provide more context into what it is working and what not on MacOS

I originally reported this for v8:

  • v8 has a menu item, Help > Quickstart guide, that opens a tab that used to show tutorials but is empty in newer sub-versions.
  • v8 has menu items, under Help > Tutorial, that are greyed out when no project has been loaded.

I received a notice claiming that things got fixed in v9 but I find this:

  • v9 does not have the Quickstart menu item any more. So yes, problem solved - by completely removing the affected functionality.
  • v9 has menu items, under Help > Tutorial, that are greyed out when no project has been loaded. So no, problem not solved.

got it.
about the greyed out items, i noticed same, even with the latest release.
i think may have somerhing to do with the tab/window where the tutorials are shown.
did an experiment, for fun:

  • created a new project so the tutorial links get active
  • clicked a random tutorial, the window is open
  • closed the active project, the tutorial window also disappear

so, there is a certain conection between the tutorials and having an active project.
I cannot say i understand what may be the logic behind such behaviour, but seems to be implemented on purpose

@Elly_Tran it’s your call


I will check with my team again and let you know soon

Hi Elly,

I was wondering where we landed on this issue. I do realize that Ubuntu is the Linux which is supported. But now that I have updated my Katalon to version 9.5 on Arch Linux and I am getting a crash on lauch which seems to be related to above:

❯ ./katalon
Katalon workspace folder is set to default location: /home/rsruser/Development/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64/config
Starting Groovy-Eclipse compiler resolver. Specified compiler level: unspecified
221 org.codehaus.groovy_3.0.17.v202303311542-e2303 ACTIVE
WebView Server has been started on port 45421
Start getting machine ID on Linux
Start appending additional signatures
End appending additional signatures 447e416d669440968d8c74913d6954e7__rsruser
End getting machine ID on Linux 64e0827045521efd5c2c923b33b727ad
Start checking and mark activated for GUI mode
End checking and mark activated for GUI mode
Your current licensed session is valid until: null
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007ac8c4df44d0, pid=11555, tid=11556
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (17.0.11+9) (build 17.0.11+9)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (17.0.11+9, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37+0xff44d0]
# Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed with "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump %P %u %g %s %t %c %h" (or dumping to /home/rsruser/Development/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64/core.11555)
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/rsruser/Development/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64/hs_err_pid11555.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
[hs_err_pid11555.log|attachment](upload://wMJuNZogpKDgBmbNnCKvjgAhJLM.log) (377.5 KB)

Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Beautiful analysis. Thank you for sharing your notes.


Please check your KS or TestOps license if it is valid or not.

Hi Elly,

I’m using the Free version of the install “Katalon_Studio_Free_Linux_64-9.5.0.tar.gz”.

I ended up shutting off sandboxing on my system and noticed that this time the authentication after login took. There were no errors previously after I signed in. So I am up and running. Thank you.