TestOps Application Repository location

Hi, I’m trying to follow the guide for Katalon TestOps using this documentation: Upload a mobile app to TestOps | Katalon Docs

However, I’m encountering an issue where I can’t locate the Application Repository. Could someone help? I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hi @julius.hermanto ,

I am not entirely sure what you mean by “Application Repository”. In the link from the documentation you posted there is no mentioning of that term.
Do you mean the “projects”? If you are the testOps admin/owner of your organization, you should see the list of projects if you go to Katalon TestOps where xxxxx is your organization Id.
Is this what you mean?

kindly share more info like error /logs/screenshots

I’m sorry, I have edited my previous post with the right link. Thank you.

I don’t see that neither on my TestOps. But I guess you need a TestCloud license in order to do so.
Can’t help any further, sorry.

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Please share more details

hey @julius.hermanto are you using git for the script repository?

Yes, I am.

I’m currently using the trial version of katalon studio. Does it affect if my testops have or doesn’t have the “Application Repository” tab?

hey @julius.hermanto
since you are using free trial, I think it’s disabled.
as far as I know, the free trial is only support web automation execution.

Yes, like @depapp says…
I think even a testCloud license is needed as I have a KSE license and don’t see it neither on TestOps.

More info: TestCloud Feature Comparison | Katalon Docs

On KS vs KSE : Katalon Studio vs Katalon Studio Enterprise Features | Katalon Docs


you can request trail testCloud license @joost.degeyndt

if it’s possible, i would like to. how to request free trial of testops mobile automation @dineshh ?

[Free Trial Request form] TestCloud Mobile App Testing Integration @depapp

thanks @dineshh

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@joost.degeyndt did it work?

Hi @dineshh . Mobile not really needed for my current project I’m working on, so I’m not giving prio on trying it :slight_smile: . It’s more for the OP to check…


thank you @joost.degeyndt

@julius.hermanto, can you confirm