When running Test suites on if they are over 45 mins long the test suite will randomly restart from the beginning and run all tests again. I initially thought it was failures but even when all the tests pass it will still restart until the suite times out.
You can see the highlighted smoke test has been ran again.
You can see form the 2nd screenshot that it is not repeated in my suite.
Another issue is that this does not show on final reports. When the test suite restarts the test report file restarts so does not show the initial run of the test. which makes it very difficult to prove it happens unless you watch the test suite in progress on the testops portal.
Often the test suite will just restart until the timeout is hit and then show as failed. Therefore making running tests overnight or out of hours useless
I have logged an issue with Katalon Help desk but wonder if others have the same issue?
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I have received a reply from the the help desk to say they have forwarded it to the Dev team to look into so as soon as I get a response or any update I will add it to this post.
This is apparently down to the Video recording Function on Test Ops using to Much RAM and crashing the machine. Th edev team are looking into it but at present there is no Fix. Turning off that functionality had fixed it but when i pushed additional commits to my GIT it then started again. I still have an open case with the help desk so will update further consistent workaround or if a permanent fix is found
The work around that works at the moment is to keep test packs less than 20 tests and add multiple to a test suite. This means the Virtual machine does not use all the RAM and then resets for the next pack in the suite.