Test not working from command line

I have a login test that runs perfectly form the Katalon UI, but when I try to run it from the command line it always returns:
0 test total, 0 passed, 0 failed, 0 error, 0 incomplete

So it looks like it’s not running any tests at all.

I’ve tried running the console as Administrator (Windows 10 BTW),

I’m new to Katalon so I’m pretty sure it is something I’m doing wrong as others seem to be able to run command line OK.

It looks to me like it is running the Test Suite - but not the Project.

I’ve used Katalon to generate the command which is as follows:
katalon -noSplash -runMode=console -consoleLog -noExit -projectPath=“C:\Users\stuar\Katalon Studio\DataPal TR 2\DataPal TR 2.prj” -statusDelay=60 -retry=0 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/New Test Suite” -executionProfile=“default” -browserType=“Chrome (headless)”

The ‘New Test Site.ts’ contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

New Test Suite








Any help gratefully received!

Do you see anything in console window? Did you CD to Katalon folder? (eg. C:\Program files\Katalon\Katalon Studio 5.4.2)

Hi Mate

Yes CD to C:\Users\stuar\Downloads\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-5.4.2 where I extracted it to.

Yes I see the console window, but one clue is that the command completes in about 1 second whereas if the test script runs from UI it takes about 30 seconds as the website login response is quite slow:

Console dump:

!SESSION 2018-07-09 15:44:07.794 -----------------------------------------------



java.vendor=Oracle Corporation

BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_GB

Framework arguments: -runMode=console -projectPath=C:\Users\stuar\Katalon Studio\DataPal TR 2\DataPal TR 2.prj -statusDelay=60 -retry=0 -testSuitePath=Test Suites/New Test Suite -executionProfile=default -browserType=Chrome (headless)

Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -data config -runMode=console -consoleLog -projectPath=C:\Users\stuar\Katalon Studio\DataPal TR 2\DataPal TR 2.prj -statusDelay=60 -retry=0 -testSuitePath=Test Suites/New Test Suite -executionProfile=default -browserType=Chrome (headless)

!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 2 10035 2018-07-09 15:44:10.050

!MESSAGE The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.

Starting Groovy-Eclipse compiler resolver. Specified compiler level: unspecified

133 2.4.7.xx-201611170128-e46 = ACTIVE


Test Suites/New Test Suite - Chrome (headless) - 20180709_154412…0/0(0%)


Request sent successfully.

07-09-2018 03:44:18 PM - [START] - Start Test Suite : Test Suites/New Test Suite

07-09-2018 03:44:18 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘hostName’ with value ‘stuar - StuartSurface4’

07-09-2018 03:44:18 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘os’ with value ‘Windows 10 64bit’

07-09-2018 03:44:18 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘hostAddress’ with value ‘’

07-09-2018 03:44:18 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘katalonVersion’ with value ‘’

07-09-2018 03:44:18 PM - [END] - End Test Suite : Test Suites/New Test Suite

Sending report to email: [stuart@xdox.co.uk]…

Email sent.

don’t use chrome headless - it will not work. chrome headless was not working also with nightwatch and selenium driver like 2 months back
try to setup selenium headless grid - i think there is some docker on net specifically for this

Hi Andrej
Thanks for the info. Chrome Headless works from UI, but I have changed the command line script to use IE - but the result is still the same i.e. test does not run. It runs the Test Suite but not the actual DataPal TR 2.prj project file.

1 Like

Hi @Stuart_Mail

It maybe an obvious question, but have you added a test case into the test suite yet ? I can’t tell from the content of the .ts file you posted. Could you upload the whole file (censore private data).

Test suite is the main subject of our console execution, therefore every test case you want to run should be added into the test suite first. .prj file is not meant to be executed and only serves as the meta-data file that Katalon Studio uses the load info about the project.

Have a nica day !