Test cases or scripts that are executed do not appear in our organisation dashboard.

In spite of our selection of the correct project under testops, the test cases or scripts that are executed do not appear in our organisation dashboard. However, the results are displayed in the chosen project’s Execution tab.

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Thank you for letting us know. I will create ticket for this to investigate whether it is bug or not. Thank you!

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Is any updae on above request?

any update on this?

Hi @m.singh, I’m Win - a member of the Product team at Katalon. Could you please let me know how you execute your test cases - is it through Katalon Studio or TestOps? If you are executing your test cases via Katalon Studio and then uploading the results to TestOps, I believe you should be able to locate your executed test cases/test suite in the ‘Uploaded Data’ folder within the ‘Tests’ section.

I am executing test scripts from katalon studion and test ops both but unable to view results on Orgainzation Dashboard-

but locate our executed test cases/test suite in the ‘Uploaded Data’ folder within the ‘Tests’ section.

Hi @m.singh, Happy New Year, and sorry for the late reply. The data under the Project name will be displayed at the end of the week when the data for the whole week has been filled in. It may be a bit tricky for you when using it; we have already logged an enhancement for this one to make it easier to use during the week.

Instead, I would like to suggest you try out TestOps reports, where you can gain more insights and dive deeper into your interest numbers.

I hope you continue exploring our app and keep me updated on your experiences.