Storing Variables

Hello I hope you’re well

I try to run a script using Katalon recorder (Google Chrome extension)

and I see that the variables are not stored in variables tab.

When I try to execute storeEval I get an error message


Change the first store to storeEval and see if that ‘fixes’ it.

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I have tested it and it works


[info] Playing test case nur zum spielen / Untitled Test Case

[info] Time: Fri Jan 27 2023 20:29:01 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) Timestamp: 1674847741020

[info] OS: Windows Version: 10

[info] Browser: Chrome Version: 109.0

[info] If the test cannot start, please refresh the active browser tab

[info] Executing: | store | 1 | ii |

[info] Store ‘1’ into ‘ii’

[info] Executing: | storeEval | ${ii}+1 | ii |

[info] Expand variable ‘${ii}+1’ into ‘1+1’

[info] Store ‘2’ into ‘ii’

[info] Executing: | echo | ${ii} | |

[info] Expand variable ‘${ii}’ into ‘2’

[info] echo: 2

[info] Time: Fri Jan 27 2023 20:29:01 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) Timestamp: 1674847741250

[info] Test case passed

Martin :de:

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