Scheduling Test Suite Execution in Katalon Using Circle CI

Hi all,

We have recently purchased KRE DevOps License and set up integration with Circle CI.
Can anyone please guide me how to schedule and run the regression suites?
I am using the below config.yml file for Circle CI.

version: 2.1
description: Run katalon studio test using cirlce-ci

katalonstudio: katalon/katalonstudio@36.0.0
- katalonstudio/katjob:
version: latest
katalon_param: >-
-browserType=‘Chrome’ -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath=‘Test Suites/Sanity_Prod’

How do I add jobs here?
Can anyone please guide me on this?
Thanks in advance.

Can anyone please guide me the steps? It will be of great help.
@ThanhTo please guide me.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @yashaswini.sadananda

If you want to schedule, then using TestOps to schedule an agent that uses the KRE to execute tests would be my recommended approach.

@ThanhTo Thanks a lot for the quick reply !
I have to run a Sanity Test suite after each development build is pushed and I also have to run Regression Test suite everyday at a particular time. Can I achieve these two requirements using TestOps?
Also do you have any video tutorials/webinars showing these steps?
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.


Running your Regression Suite everyday at a particular time is achievable with Agent. Please refer to the docs I sent above, as currently there’s no videos/webinars on that yet.

To trigger execution based on Git activities, please refer to this:

Thank you @ThanhTo

@ThanhTo I tried setting up agent but I get below error -

I have added serverURL and apiKey in .katalon/

Kindly please guide me .


Please try to double-check the apiKey to make sure it doesn’t contain any invisible invalid character. Such cases happen when you copy from another text editor. Ideally you should copy apiKey from TestOps interface. If that fails, please try to create a new apiKey via TestOps to see if that works.

@ThanhTo I have copied API Key from TestOps and tried it, but still getting the same error. Also I have created new API Key and also tried it but no success. I checked it, it doesn’t have any invalid character either. Please help me out.


If you want to use CircleCI, please take a look at:

If you want to use TestOps Agent, please make sure the file agentconfig contains your API key (apikey). Please follow this article to generate the config file.

Here is a sample agentconfig file.


@devalex88 Thank you for detailed reply. We have already integrated CircleCI by refering to the docs shared .
I checked my agentconfig file and found that uuid is blank. May be that is why I am facing the issue.
Please can you guide me how to get the uuid ? I have refered the doc but couldn’t find any info about uuid.
Thanks in advance.

@devalex88 I have found the uuid using this command - wmic csproduct get UUID and pasted in the agentconfig file. Now it keeps on requesting new access token as shown below :

Please guide me.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @yashaswini.sadananda,

Scheduling and executing tests remotely features are now available in TestOps (TestOps CI app). Let’s try creating a CircleCI test environment by following this guide.

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