Runtime engine: When executing katalonc.exe, the process seems to be stuck and doesn't progress

Operating System

Windows 10 Enterprise
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Katalon Studio version

Katalon Studio Engine Windows 64-8.4.0

Environment (for Web Testing)

Chrome Version 103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Steps to reproduce

run the following

F:\Katalon_Studio_Engine\katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console -consoleLog -projectPath=“F:\katalon\test-automation-katalon-studio\test-automation-katalon-studio.prj” -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=“Test Suites/fulltestcollection” -executionProfile=“##########” -browserType=“Chrome” -reportFolder=“F:\katalon\report” -reportFileName=“#########.log” -sendMail=“###########” -apiKey=####################

Also tried

F:\Katalon_Studio_Engine\katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console -consoleLog -projectPath=“F:\katalon\test-automation-katalon-studio\test-automation-katalon-studio.prj” -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=“Test Suites/fulltestcollection” -executionProfile=“#############” -browserType=“Chrome” -reportFolder=“F:\katalon\report” -reportFileName=“##########.log” -sendMail=“############” -apiKey=########### —config -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true

and was stuck as well

Expected Behavior
Expect the test suite to be executed
Actual Behavior

Screenshots / Videos (please attach screenshots or videos if necessary to reproduce the issue)
get the following

further information


Please share the console logs. You can redact your sensitive information before sharing.

here you go

Note: I have "–config -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true " on the end of the script, now the script is stalled with the message repeating with
“Chrome driver is located at: F:\Katalon_Studio_Engine\configuration\resources\temp\webdriver\chromedriver.exe”

log.txt (4.2 KB)

Hi Duyluong, has there been any progress with this problem.

@Matthew_Loo ,

We tried to reproduce the issue on v8.4.0 but the issue didn’t happen. Please share more details of the test suite collection.
How many test suites in the test suite collection and the number or concurrence test suite in parallel mode?

Okay, it didn’t occur to me that the number of test suites in my test collection would cause this problem, so I pointed the runtime to another collection which only had two test suites.

Yes, it run successfully.

So it’s something to be aware of and a trap for young players.

Thanks for your help

First of all I would say. Katalone is not a very good platform for automation testing. We have selenium (Eclipse and Intellij) which provides is full control. I faced challanges but hardly get resolution very easily like you get for selenium.
I used to run test suites but it used stuck in between. It looks like stuck but it doesn’t it tries self healing but it takes a lot of time which results screen time out if we are using on local and it remains as it is. I thought it’s got hanged so restarted suite but…

you don’t have to restart suite. You have to close the browser on which test is being performed by Katalone. It will failed that test case and start running from where it stopped…

Second of all, I will say.
Selenium is a framework.
InteliJ is a company. They do various products.
Eclipse is yet another framework.

Katalon is another company developping alternate solutions.
Katalon Studio is nor a framework, nor an IDE.
It attempt to integrate various technologies for ‘lazy-user’ as an almost complete solution (platform wannabe)

To get full controll, develop your own solution, looks like you already know what to use.
unless you figure it out what ‘platform’ means. this is a tricky term