Running same Test using different Profiles via Browserstack

Profile configuration is not applied to Remote Executions

I am trying to Test my Application on many different Browser- and OS-Combination.
I want to use Browserstack to execute my Tests sequentially.
For that i created a simple Testcase, a Testsuite that contains that Testcase and a Testsuite Collection that contains that Testsuite 3 times. I created multiple profiles for different Browsers:

For example, my chrome Profile:

I assigned these Profiles to different Testsuites:

I configured the correct “Remote server ULR” in the Project Settings, but did not set any remote parameters, since i want differnet parameters for each Test execution.
Now when I execute my Testsuite Collection my Test is being sent to Browserstack 3 Times but the Browser is always the latest Chrome on Win 10. For some reason. The values of my Profile do not alter the parameters of the Browserstack session.
How can I alter the remote parameters for each Test execution, so all 3 Browsers are tested corretly?
Thanks in advance

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


I have no experience of running Katalon tests on Browserstack. I just checked the docs for you.

According to the documentation

Running Katalon tests on BrowserStack

Katalon Studio recorded test scripts are executed on BrowserStack using the Remote option of Katalon Studio. To execute the test script remotely there is a prerequisite for specifying the capabilities provided by BrowserStack.

The document has NO mensions to the following Katalon terms.

  1. Test Suite Collection
  2. Execution Profile

Browserstack does not understand these Katalon terms at all.

It seems that you can only run Test Suites (not Test Suite Collection) remotely on Browserstack, and you can configure the settings only through the “Projet > Settings > Desired Capabilities >Remote” dialogue (not by Test Suite Collection settings with Execution Profiles).

Just to give you an idea:

I have NOT tested this idea on machine at all.

You can refer to the following documentation for running your Katalon studio tests with BrowserStack and configure your platforms accordingly-

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Thank you all for the Suggestions. I was able to find a workaround for the Problem.
I created a Testcase Listenener and manually set the driverPreferences with the values from my Profiles:

Now every Testcase runs with the browser I configured for it in my Testsuite Collection.

Good work!