Just an idea.
- Katalon Studio supports Console mode Execution. In the command line you can specify browser type:
$ katalon -runMode=console -projectPath=... -testSuitePath=... -browserType="Remote"
- The information you put by GUI operation “Projects->settings->execution->Default->webUI->Remote” is actually saved in a JSON file : %project_dir%\settings\internal\ For example:
- I will manually write another JSON file which contains multiple entries of “Remote” I would like to use. For examle:
{"os":"Windows","os_version":"10","browser":"IE","browser_version":"11.0", ...},
{"os":"Windows","os_version":"8","browser":"IE","browser_version":"10.0", ...},
{"os":"Windows","os_version":"7","browser":"Chrome","browser_version":"62.0", ...},
{"os":"Mac","os_version":"11","browser":"Safari","browser_version":"xxx", ...},
... as many as I want
- Finaly I want to have a new nice UI. Using it I can select a set of entries of REMOTE_WEB_DRIVERS to apply to Katalon Studio Console Mode.
The UI will loop for the entries dynamically overwriting the %project_dir%\settings\internal\ file and call the kataon.
… I am not too sure if it is safe to overwrite the file. May work but not safe I think.
By this trick I would be able to execute multiple executions of a single set of Test Suite/Test Cases of a Katalon project specifying varieties of Browser environments provided by the BrowserStack.
I would try to implement this later.