Running Cucumber feature file doesn't generate step definitions

In KS 5.7.0 (and normally with Cucumber), you can run feature files and it will generate step definitions which can be copy-pasted to the step definitions (groovy) file. This really sped up the workflow.

However, starting KS 5.7.1, step definitions aren’t generated anymore. Was this intended or not?

## Operating System

Windows 10

## Katalon Studio Version


## Katalon Studio Logs

(not needed)

## Environment

(not needed)

## Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a .feature file

2. Write some Gherkin

3. Run the .feature file

## Expected Behavior

Step definitions must be generated in the console output.

## Actual Behavior

Step definitions aren’t generated in the console output.

## Screenshots



There are no changes from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 for BDD feature. How do you run your Feature File?

Vinh Nguyen said:

There are no changes from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 for BDD feature. How do you run your Feature File?

Hi Vinh,

I run the feature file using the Run button as shown.


Step definitions will be generated if there is a warning icon beside it. Here is my try using 5.7.1, so please help to double check again from your side once again:

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 13.46.30.png

Vinh Nguyen said:

Step definitions will be generated if there is a warning icon beside it. Here is my try using 5.7.1, so please help to double check again from your side once again:

Hi Vinh,

Thanks for the reference. I was able to solve the problem.

If “Scenario Outline” is used, the feature file will be considered valid (and enable syntax highlighting) only if a data table has been defined.

For scenarios that don’t use data tables, “Scenario” should be used.

Also confirmed that step definitions are generated in the console.

This was a mistake on my part. Thank you for your assistance : )



This post was very helpful to me. Thank you

Thanks @Joseph this was very useful.

i closed this as it is inactive