Getting warning on feature file after upgrading to Katalon 9.7.1 "Step definitions detection works only when the project is configured as cucumber project."

I have a katalon project with UI and API tests but facing below issue:

  1. Getting warning on feature file after upgrading to Katalon 9.7.1 “Step definitions detection works only when the project is configured as cucumber project.”
  2. Clicking on the steps in the feature file doesn’t take to the corresponding step definition. I tried “find Step definition too” and nothing happens.
  3. The Feature files are correctly in the path "Include-> features → ProjectName → FeatureName → test1.feature.
  4. I tried creating a new feature file too and it still complains about the project not being configured as Cucumber project.

The Feature file didn’t show any warning earlier to this version.
However the execution is working fine and its picking the relevant step definition during execution.

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Hi there, :wave:

Thank you very much for your topic! It may take a little while before Katalon team member or others forum members respond to you.

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Thanks! :sunglasses:
Katalon Community team

Hi @ckrishnamurthy,

Can you please help share the warning?

“Step definitions detection works only when the project is configured as cucumber project.”
My screenshot on the feature file shows the same warning

Hi @ckrishnamurthy,

We have acknowledged this issue and plan to fix it in v9.7.2. I will keep you up-to-date with the progress. Thank you!

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This is still not fixed in version v9.7.2. I was transitioning from Cypress to Katalon and I lost hours trying to figure out what I had done wrong in my first BDD/Cucumber to come here and see this… I downloaded version 8.6.9 just to be told that I can’t use it as it is a legacy version. Unbelievable…

Hi @jose.ribeiro,

Sorry for my late response. Our team is still investigating it and has moved this to a later release. Currently, we still have not had a clear plan for this but I will keep you updated with this.

hi @jose.ribeiro @Elly_Tran Im experiencing the same problem with @jose.ribeiro in BDD , the issue is the same, anybody know how to resolve it, i need help please

Hi there, I am facing the same issue. Is there any solutions about this?

Looks like the fix is still not in v10.0.0 too. We have to wait for this to be fixed.

10.0.1 it is, about to release at the end of November!

I recently started using katalon and I’m also facing the same issue in katalon 10.0.0

Is there an update on when the new version will be released?

This is resolved in latest version 10.0.1. Hence this can be closed