Question about Licenses Required (Testcloud or KRE or both?)

I want to integrate Katalon Test Collections, Suites and Test cases with Github Actions.

Following their documentation there is multiple requirements set, where it doesn’t seem to align with each other.

This documentation states that KRE is not required: CI/CD integration overview | Katalon Docs
Note: This documentation even have an example of using Github Actions.

Another document about GH Actions: Katalon Studio GitHub Action | Katalon Docs
This documentation states that you need a KRE license.

This is my use case for katalon:

I want to run test at the end of my pipeline, in a GH workflow. I need it to run the tests in TestCloud.

What licenses and setup is required for this?


You need a KRE license to be able to use GitHub actions. if you encounter any error. please look at the below thread.

This did not answer my question. Do i need both KRE and TestCloud sessions to run CI/CD with github actions?

KRE is mandatory for CICD. Test Cloud sessions are optional and only required if you want to use katalons cloud testing infrastructure.

In your case , you need both

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But @anton3 refered to the document, which writes

Katalon Runtime Engine license is not required.

This single sentence contradicts your explanation, doesn’t it?

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I am not sure of what Katalon has documented , but if you want to use GH with test cloud , you need both

Possibly you just typed wrong. I suppose you wanted to write:

“but if you wan to do CI/CD using GitHub Actions instead of Katalon’s TestCloud, you just need Katalon Runtime Engine.”

I wrote correct : Github with TestCloud. His/ Her question was a combination of both GH and TestCloud and hence my answer

OK. I’m not experienced with TestCloud at all. Thank you for your guidance.

Neither am I , never used Test Cloud specifically .

I think that @anton3 can make a CI/CD pipeline in GitHub Actions with KRE only; he does not necessarily require TestCloud. Am I right?

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  • Only Github actions - KRE is required
  • Only Test Cloud - KRE is not required and Test Cloud is required
  • Both Github and Test Clouds - KRE and TestCloud is required.
  • CICD with their own infrastructure - Only KRE

That is also why i am a bit confused on this :slight_smile:

Still dont feel like this is answered.

You should elaborate your question if you feel like to be answered.
Are you clear what TestCloud service does for you? ---- I don’t know it at all.

if you are paid user, can you raise a support ticket with katalon and clarify

I think @Monty_Bagati’s answer is clear.
@anton3, my suggestion for your question is to try it yourself. Since your case involves GitHub Actions, I believe you only need a KRE license.

If you’ve already tried it in your workflow and something unusual happens, you can share the issue you’re facing again in this thread.

By the way, I have implemented GitHub Actions integration here: sample-bdd-project-in-katalon-latest-version/.github/workflows/main.yml at main · depapp/sample-bdd-project-in-katalon-latest-version · GitHub


Thanks all for the discussions. I have informed our Technical Writing about this hiccup and they will review to make sure we are explicitly clear on the license instructions.

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@vu.tran Thank you!! Kindly keep us posted once updated documentation available

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I have tried to do the Github Actions with Katalon, and i don’t seem to have access.
I have a KRE license, and im not able to run the test in my ci/cd, with the error:

Activated successfully with Katalon Runtime Engine license. 
Failed to activate with TestCloud license. 

Im glad that a Katalon Employee is able to go through the documentation, but im also a bit confused as to why i need KRE. It seems like it’s only for Github Actions that KRE is needed, or am i wrong about that?

Is it possible for you to share your own GitHub Actions YAML configuration file here? @anton3

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