Hi, i am having an issue when trying to execute my test suite collections using a CI/CD pipeline with Github Actions.
I have followed these documentation pages, and i believe my setup is correct.
The problem is that one of the documentation pages says that you only need a TestCloud subscription and a KRE license is not required, but the other documentation says that KRE is required for GitHub Action.
Currently i have a Katalon Studio Enterprise License with a TestCloud subscription.
The error im getting from my pipeline is this:
Activated successfully with Katalon Runtime Engine license.
Failed to activate with TestCloud license. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.kms.katalon.license.models.CombinedAuthenticationToken.getAdminToken()" because "combinedToken" is null
Cannot execute this test suite collection. There is no TestCloud license available.
So i want to know. Do i need a KRE License or not?
I know it says TestCloud license not available, but i dont think thats the problem.
Anyone that can help?
Yes you need a KRE license for CICD but as seen in the logs it says KRE activated successfully. Please follow the below thread and check if it solves your issue.
I have seen and tried following that thread, but i dont think thats my issue.
Im not sure that i even have a KRE-license. But it is saying it found a KRE license, so im a bit confused.
I only think i have a KSE and TestCloud Session Quota on 3 parallel
I suspect the issue is with your test cloud and not with KRE. So , please check if your test cloud license is not expired or there is some other issue related with it